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Lance Cade Interesse zu TNA zu gehen

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1Lance Cade Interesse zu TNA zu gehen Empty Lance Cade Interesse zu TNA zu gehen So 3 Mai 2009 - 19:48



Lance Cade gab neulich ein Interview zum Thema TNA und ob er mit Murdoc nochmal ein Tag Team werden will:

"There's been two sides of the story and neither is fully accurate. People confused me not teaming with Trevor meaning that I don't have a desire to compete in TNA which is false. It was as simple as me having an obligation in Japan where I have been working full time since December 2008. I will NEVER go against my word. When my obligations over here are finished up, and the moon and stars are aligned, there is a good chance that TNA could be where I call my future home either singles or along side my friend Trevor Murdoch.

As far as the comment of me saying we won 3 world tag team championships with WWE and there's not much left to do as a team... That is part true. The part that's true is there's nothing left for us to do in the WWE as a team! I am not a mark for Lance Cade don't care about winning "x" amount of titles. It's a work and doesn't represent me in how good I or anyone else really are. There is still plenty for us to do... Win TNA's championships, give them a new team that can work with anyone and doing the same over here in Japan.

I want my side to be heard because I don't want anyone to think I am not interested in TNA or that I have anything except respect and admiration for Trevor Murdoch."

Werde nicht das ganze Übersetzen, aber für die die nicht Englisch können eine kurze Zusemmanfassung: Lance Cade ist zur Zeit in Japan unter Vertrag und wird auch bleiben bis der Vertrag abläuft und wenn das geschieht kann er sich gut vorstellen TNA sein zukünftiger Arbeitsplatz sein..


CB Yellow

CB Yellow
Hardcore Champion
Hardcore Champion

hoffe mal stark dass er zur tna geht weil ich ihn ganz okay finde seinen job bei der wwe als bodyguard von jericho hat er gut gemacht un sein finisher ist einfach BOMBE!!

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